>, Music, Dimotika, Sale>I Ellada Glentai
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I Ellada Glentai

I Epitihies Tou Kosta Souka

Product Description

  1. Thelo Na Me Kitas
  2. Sto Kato Kato Tis Grafis
  3. Pare Ema Ap’Tin Kardia Mou
  4. Otan Me Filas
  5. Ta Esthimatika Mou
  6. Pirasmos Ise Pedi Mou
  7. Lavomenos
  8. Ela Na Pame Tsarka
  9. Thelo Ton Theo Na Ton Rotiso
  10. Kegete O Mahalas
  11. Votsalaki
  12. Den Anigoune Dio Portes
  13. Ki An Ponas Kardia Mou
  14. Tha Kapso Ta Esthimata
  15. Anthropo Zitao
  16. Filise Me
  17. Hameni Agapi
  18. Ton Idio Ilio Vlepoume
  19. Diko Mou Provlima
  20. Pou Girnas

Additional Information

Weight 0.25 lbs
Dimensions 5.5 × 5.5 × 0.5 in


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