>, Christmas, Holidays, Kids, Kids, Music, Seasonal, UNDER $5, Music, Sale>To Karidi Ke To Hristougenniatiko Cake (CD)

To Karidi Ke To Hristougenniatiko Cake (CD)

Karidis, the little walnut, has a dream to make it to the Christmas cake. He has to take care of himself and last on his mother’s branch until Christmas. With the help of his friends (the ant, the bumblebee, and the woodpecker), Karidis will face any obstacles that come his way and he will have his dream come true!

Product Description

A lovely Christmas musical story about friendship and perseverance. A new family favorite for the holidays

  1. Ridi-Ridi to karidi – song
  2. Kira Karido- narration
  3. To Nanourisma Tis Panagias – song
  4. O Hristakos kei Hrisoula – narration
  5. O Karidas – song
  6. Mirmigkognomi – song
  7. I Antres Den Klene – song
  8. O Aspros Skolikas – song
  9. To Skouliki Tha Me Fai – song
  10. Ntoukou Ntoukou – song
  11. Tris Meres Tha Vadiso – song
  12. Sti Filia Den Iparhi Pliromi – song
  13. Melissoaeroplanada – song
  14. I Fili – song
  15. Gkapa Gkoupa Ta Klonaria – song
  16. I Agonia Tou Karida – narration
  17. O Karidas Pefti – narration
  18. Karidokardoula Mou – song
  19. To Hristougenniatiko Cake – song
  20. Hristougenna – song

Additional Information

Weight 0.25 lbs
Dimensions 5.5 × 5.5 × 0.5 in


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