>, Music, Traditional, Pontiaka, Sale>Pontiako Glenti No2

Pontiako Glenti No2

Live recording from Kalamaria

Product Description

  1. Empropis
  2. Kotsari
  3. Serenitsa
  4. Lenitsa
  5. Etere
  6. Kalon Korits’
  7. Sampson
  8. Kots
  9. Tamsara
  10. Koniali, Mars
  11. Anathema Sas Erima
  12. Makri Potam’
  13. Ego Gia Tesen Mono Zo
  14. O Giannes O Monogiannes
  15. Tin Kali M’ N’ Aorazo
  16. T’ Omatia In’ Olomavra
  17. N’ Akouo Ti Lalias
  18. Erhinese pouli Na Vres’
  19. Ainte As Pame So Parhar
  20. Solo Tik Tromahton

Additional Information

Weight 0.25 lbs
Dimensions 5.5 × 5.5 × 0.5 in


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